Apr.2025 |
Peter Lin |
Epidendrum, Prosthechea and Encyclia |
Mar. 2025 |
Carol Klonowski |
Taiwan and Beyond: Summer Blooming Phalaenopsis |
Feb. 2025 |
Arthur Pinkers |
Coelogyne |
Jan. 2025 |
Fred Clarke |
Australian Dendrobiums |
Nov. 2024 |
OSSC Training Team |
Splitting Up Compots |
Oct. 2024 |
Tyler Albecht |
Oncidiums: More than Chocolate and Dancing Ladies! |
Sept. 2024
OSSC Training Team |
Phalaonopsis Repotting |
Jluly 2024 |
Peter T. Lin |
A Tale of Two Great Orchid Shows |
June 2024 |
Carol Beule |
A Country of Gardeners, Perfectionists and Tradition |
May 2024 |
Mystery Guide |
Guided Tour of Thornton Gardens |
Apr. 2024 |
Tim Culbertson |
Cochleanthes |
Mar.2024 |
Carol Klonowski |
Chinese Paphiopedilums |
Feb. 2024 |
Fred Clarke |
Catasetums |
Jan. 2024 |
Carol Beule & James Roberts |
Deflasking Demonstration |
Nov. 2023 |
Jack Zhu |
The Form and Color of Asian Cymbidiums |
Oct. 2023 |
Donna Ballard |
How to Grow Orchids in a Dry Cliimate |
Sept. 2023 |
Arthur Pinkers |
Orchids in Literature |
July 2023 |
Betty P. Kelepecz |
Zygopetalum Species and Hybrids |
May 2023 |
Doug Overstreet |
Integrated Pest Management for the Orchid House 2.0 |
Apr. 2023 |
James Roberts & Donna Ballard |
Deflasking and Breaking Up Compots |
Mar. 2023 |
Carol Klonowski |
Orchids of South Africa |
Feb. 2023 |
Tim Culbertson |
Holocoglossums: The Next Great Thing in Vandas |
Jan. 2023 |
Peter Lin |
Dendrobiums and Their Culture |
Nov. 2022 |
Fred Clarke |
Spotted and Splashed Cattleyas |
Oct. 2022 |
Arnold Gum |
Sherlocking Orchids |
Sep. 2022 |
Carol Beule, et. al. |
Repotting Clinic |
Jul. 2022 |
Carol Beule |
Deflasking Zygopetalums |
May 2022 |
Tim Culbertson |
Laelia anceps |
Apr. 2022 |
Doug Overstreet |
Integrated Pest Management for the Orchid House, 2.0 |
Mar. 2022 |
Carol Kozlowski |
Tolumnias |
Feb. 2022 |
Carol Beule |
Japan, and the Japan Fuukiran Society |
Jan. 2022 |
Arnold Gum |
Cattleya (Guarianthe) skinneri |
Dec. 2021 |
Theresa Hill |
Paphiopedilum charlesworthii |
Nov. 2021 |
Ken Jacobsen |
Jensoa Cymbidiums |
Oct. 2021 |
Tim Culbertson |
Miniature Catasetums |
Sept. 2021 |
Donna Ballard |
Peloric Orchids |
July 2021 |
Peter Lin |
Compact Vandaceous Species and their Hybrids |
June 2021 |
Alan Koch |
Dendrobiums |
May 2021 |
Charles G. Wilson |
Bulbophyllums |
Apr. 2021 |
David Edgley |
Novelty Phalaenopsis |
Mar. 2021 |
Glen Decker |
My Life with Slippers |
Feb. 2021 |
Fred Clarke |
Becoming an 80 Percentile Grower |
Jan. 2021 |
Jim Heilig |
Habenaria |
Nov. 2020 |
Alfred Hockenmaier |
The Art of Mounted Orchid Culture |
Oct. 2020 |
Tim Culbertson |
Beautiful Miniature Vandaceous Orchids for Outdoors |
Sept. 2020 |
Shawn Shumaker |
Angraecoid Orchids of the Old World |
Aug. 2020 |
Frank Cervera |
Phragmipedium schlimii |
July 2020 |
Brandon Tam |
Growing Stanhopeas Outdoors in Southern California |
June 2020 |
Fred Clarke |
Australian Dendrobiums |
May 2020 |
Jose Carlos Lopez |
The Four Seasons of Cattleyas |
Apr. 2020 |
Peter Lin |
Brassavola Species and Their Hybrids |
Mar. 2020 |
Doug Overstreet |
Greenhouse Pathogens and Pests and Their Remedies |
Feb. 2020 |
Norman Fang |
New Color Forms of Phalaenopsis |
Jan. 2020 |
Tim Culbertson |
Paphiopedilum Subgenus Parvisepalum |
Nov. 2019 |
Donna Ballard |
Growing Under Lights |
Oct. 2019 |
Tim Culbertson |
Amazing Soft-Leaved Orchids – the Pescatorea Alliance |
Sep. 2019 |
Donna Ballard, Carol Beule, Douglas Overstreet, Arthur Pinkers. Marlyn Lee |
AOS Outreach Judging |
Jul. 2019 |
Donna Ballard & Carol Beule |
Deflasking and Rehabilitation Workshop |
May 2019 |
Peter Lin |
Dendrobiums |
Apr. 2019 |
Harold Koopowitz |
Perfecting the Miniature Slipper Orchids |
Mar. 2019 |
Steve Hampson |
Wild Orchids of China |
Feb. 2019 |
Fred Clarke |
Trends in Cycnoches, Mormodes, and Catasetums |
Jan. 2019 |
Pepe Portilla |
Orchids of Ecuador |
Nov. 2018 |
Tim Culbertson |
Encyclias of Mexico & Beyond |
Oct. 2018 |
Donna Ballard |
Growing and Judging Mini-Cattleyas |
Sep. 2018 |
Arthur Pinkers |
Laelias |
July 2018 |
Carol Beule and David Lafond |
Deflasking and Potting Up Demo |
May 2018 |
AOS Judges |
AOS Judging |
Apr. 2018 |
Phyllis Prestia |
European Terrestrial Orchids |
Mar. 2018 |
Kiyoshige Negi |
Neofinetia falcata |
Feb. 2018 |
Douglas Overstreet |
Setting Up a Beginning Greenhouse |
Jan. 2018 |
Peter Lin |
Species Orchids |
Nov. 2017 |
Carol Beule |
The Genus Lycaste |
Oct. 2017 |
Tim Culbertson |
Growing Paphiopedilums |
Sep. 2017 |
Wayne Farrell |
Australian Dendrobiums |
July 2017 |
Carol Beule
Richard Rothschild |
Deflasking and Potting Up Demos |
May 2017 |
Donna Ballard
David LaFond
Harry Sinanian |
Phalaenopsis Workshop |
Apr. 2017 |
Peter Lin |
Orchids for Every Time of the Year |
Mar. 2017 |
Scott Barrie |
Latest Developments at Barrita Orchids: Cymbidiums and Sarcochilus
Feb. 2017 |
Douglas Overstreet |
Integrated Pest Management for the Orchid House |
Jan. 2017 |
Barb Schmidt |
Oncidiums |
Nov. 2016 |
OSSC's "Council of Experts" |
Your Mission: Rescue These Orchids |
Oct. 2016 |
Tim Culbertson |
Sobralias for SoCal |
Sep. 2016 |
Carol Beule |
The Genus Sarcochilus, its Charm and Ease of Growth |
July 2016 |
Dan Johnson,
Douglas Overstreet |
Tour of the Thornton Conservatory of the Huntington Botanical
May 2016 |
Brandon Tam |
Special Tour of the Orchid House of The Huntington Botanical Gardens |
May 2016 |
David Dassey |
Orchid Diseases |
Apr. 2016 |
Douglas Overstreet |
Approaching the Monster: Dividing and Repotting a Large Orchid |
Mar. 2016 |
Cameron |
Around the World in 40 Orchids: Travels of an Orchidologist |
Feb. 2016 |
David Dassey |
Phals (Presentation Created by Orchid Digest) |
Jan. 2016 |
Charles Boco |
An Evening of Fun with Orchid Photography |
Nov. 2015 |
Alberto Ossa |
Decorating with Orchids |
Oct. 2015 |
Tim Culbertson |
Laelia purpurata: Hail to the Queen |
Sep. 2015 |
Doug Overstreet |
Getting Ready for the BIG Show |
July 2015 |
Dr. Kristen Uthus |
Neofinetia, their Culture, History and Mystique |
May 2015 |
Peter Lin |
12 Months of Orchids – Building a Collection with Blooms Every Month
of the Year |
Apr. 2015 |
Jim Rose |
Lycastes |
Mar. 2015 |
David Dassey |
A presentation by Paul and Ann Tuskes: "Phalaenopsis: The Species
And Their Culture" |
Feb. 2015 |
Tim Culbertson |
What Is a Maudiae Paph and Why Should I Grow One? |
Jan. 2015 |
Phyllis S. Prestia, Ed.D. |
Orchids of Madagascar |
Nov. 2014 |
Various Speakers |
Q & A with OSSC's Own Experts |
Oct. 2014 |
Sandra Tillisch Svoboda |
Awards: Certificates of Cultural Merit |
Sep. 2014 |
Carol Beule |
Tokyo Dome Show 2014, and Design Elements of Japan |
July 2014 |
Phyllis S. Prestia, Ed.D. |
The Genus Catasetum |
May 2014 |
Bryce Augustine |
Orchid Propagation from A to Z |
Apr. 2014 |
Michael Sinn |
Venezuelan Cattleyas and their Culture |
Mar. 2014 |
Doug Overstreet |
Expert Cultural Advice on Growing & Repotting Many Species of
Orchids |
Feb. 2014 |
George Hatfield |
Cymbidiums |
Jan. 2014 |
Fred Clarke |
Australian Dendrobiums |
Nov. 2013 |
Harold Koopowitz |
The History of Paphs |
Oct. 2013 |
Wayne Farrell |
Temperature Tolerant Vandaceous Orchids |
Sep. 2013 |
Peter Lin |
Orchids Alfresco |
July 2013 |
Glenn Lehr |
Orchids and People of Japan |
May 2013 |
Brandon Tam |
Tour of the Orchid Greenhouse at the Huntington |
Apr. 2013 |
George Vazquez |
The New Phalaenopsis & How to Grow Them |
Mar. 2013 |
Doug Overstreet |
Dividing and Repotting Large Orchids |
Feb. 2013 |
Ron Parsons |
Looking Closely at Miniature Orchid Species |
Jan. 2013 |
Theresa Hill |
Miltoniopsis at Hillsview Gardens |
Nov. 2012 |
Doug Overstreet |
How to Build Your Orchid Collection |
Oct. 2012 |
Arnold Gum |
Chasing the Perfect Multifloral Paphiopedilum |
Sep. 2012 |
Mark Sullivan |
Introduction to Orchid Cultivation |
Jul. 2012 |
Ron Kaufmann |
Orchid Travels in Ecuador |
May 2012 |
AOS Judges |
AOS Judging |
Apr. 2012 |
Samantha Kha |
The Yellow Brick Road: An Overview of the Orchid
Zone |
Mar. 2012 |
Peter Lin |
Classic to Contemporary Splash Petal Cattleyas |
Feb. 2012 |
George Hatfield |
How to Make an Orchid Hybrid |
Jan. 2012 |
Wayne Farrell |
Laelia anceps: Its Habitat, Color Forms,
and Hybrids |
Nov. 2011 |
Arthur Pinkers |
Warm Tolerant Oncidium Generics; A Brief Survey |
Oct. 2011 |
Doug Overstreet |
Growing Orchids Outdoors in Southern California |
Aug. 2011 |
Peter Lin |
Neofinetia falcata and its Hybrids and
other Vandaceous Orchids |
Jul. 2011 |
Steve Champlin |
An Introduction to Brazilian Orchid Species |
May 2001 |
Marni Turkel |
Less Is More: Small Orchids |
Apr. 2001 |
George Hatfield |
Cymbidiums 101: Everything You Need to Know to Grow
the Grand Champion |
Mar. 2011 |
Dr. Randall Robinson |
Breeding Trends in Australian Cymbidiums |
Feb. 2011 |
Norito Hasegawa |
What’s New in Paphiopedilums: an Overview |
Jan. 2011 |
Rich Walton |
The Judge, the Hunter, the Thief, and the Black
Orchid (Documentary Film) |
Nov. 2010 |
Peter Lin |
The Three A’s of the Orchid World: Angraecum,
Aerangis and Aeranthes |
Oct. 2010 |
Alfred Hockenmaier
Mounted Orchids |
Aug. 2010 |
James Rose |
Lycastes |
Jul. 2010 |
Rudolf Jenny |
The Subtribe Stanhopeinae |
May 2010 |
Christopher Croom |
Orchid Polinators |
Apr. 2010 |
Bruce Kidd |
Bruce's Orchid Wildlife Tour |
Mar. 2010 |
Art Mendoza |
Cymbidium Care and Repotting |
Feb. 2010 |
Jim Sloniker |
Grand Champion Cymbidiums of the Santa Barbara
International Orchid Show |
Jan.2010 |
George Hatfield |
18th Australian Orchid Council Conference & Show |
Nov. 2009 |
James Rose |
Laelia anceps and Its Hybrids |
Oct. 2009 |
Mark Bentow |
The Native Orchids of Peru |
Aug. 2009 |
Wayne Farrell |
Brazilian Bifoliate Cattelayas |
Jul. 2009 |
Harold Koopowitz |
Mini Paphiopedilum Breeding |
May 2009 |
Harry Phillips |
Marvelous Miniatures, Gems of the Orchid World |
Apr. 2009 |
Tom Biggart |
Australian Dendrobiums and a Few Sarcochilus |
Mar. 2009 |
Charles F. Weckerle-Thrun |
Cold Tolerant Orchids for Southern California |
Feb. 2009 |
Loren Batchman |
Virus Prevention and Detection |
Jan. 2009 |
Doug Overstreet |
Planning and Developing Your Orchid Collection |
Nov. 2008 |
Francisco Ramos |
40 Orchids Everyone Should Have In Their Greenhouse |
Oct. 2008 |
Charles Johnson |
2008 Chelsea Flower Show |
Sep. 2008 |
Dan Dickey |
Grooming and Labeling Plants for Orchid Shows |
Aug. 2008 |
Norman Fang |
Development of the Harlequin Phalaenopsis
Jun. 2008 |
Bob Gordon |
Phalaenopsis Problems and How to Solve Them
May 2008 |
Paul Gripp |
Sarcochilus: The Australian
Phalaenopsis |
Apr. 2008 |
Peter S. Tobias |
Orchid Conservation |
Feb. 2008 |
Patrick O'Day |
Blc. Toshie Aoki and its Many Hybrids |
Jan. 2008 |
Peter Lin |
Miniature Orchid Species, Tiny Wonders of the
Orchid World |
Nov. 2007 |
George Hatfield |
Highlights of the 2007 Tokyo Dome Show |
Oct. 2007 |
Dr. Norito Hasegawa |
Phalaenopsis Species and their Influence on Hybrids |
July 2007 |
Tim Nomer |
Digital Photos of Past Orchid Shows |
May 2007 |
Dr. Joseph Arditti |
Rascals, Rogues, Rowdies, Rulers and other R’s |
Apr. 2007 |
Peter Lin |
Mini-Cattleyas |
Mar. 2007 |
Barton Mozlen |
Orchid Mounting Clinic |
Feb. 2007 |
Ron Parsons |
Rare and Unusual Orchid Species |
Jan. 2007 |
Dr. Leonid Averyanov |
Orchids of Viet Nam |
Nov. 2006 |
Bill Ryan |
Mostly Orchids |
Oct. 2006 |
Alberto Ossa |
How to Display Your Orchids at Home |
Aug. 2006 |
Martin Motes |
Vandas |
July 2006 |
Marguerite Webb |
Good Things Come in Small Packages |
May 2006 |
Christopher Croom |
Fresh Peaches to New Car Interior: Orchid Species
and Their Scents |
Apr. 2006 |
Norito Hasegawa |
The Influence of Paphiopedilum Species on Their
Hybrids |
Mar. 2006 |
Dennis D’Alessandro |
Searching for Orchids in Borneo |
Feb. 2006 |
Dan Dickey |
Orchid Culture |
Jan. 2006 |
Robert Lauri |
California Native Orchids |
Nov. 2005 |
Loren Batchman |
Plant Selection for Hybridization |
Oct. 2005 |
Carol Siegel |
The Sex Life of Orchids |
Sep. 2005 |
Fred Clarke |
New Hybrids with Catasetums, Cycnoches, and Mormodes |
Jul. 2005 |
Kevin Hipkins |
Odontoglossums, their Culture and Breeding |
May 2005 |
George Hatfield |
Tokyo Dome Orchid Show |
Apr. 2005 |
Ernest Hetherington |
People, Plants, and Events that made California
Orchid History |
Mar. 2005 |
Mark Bentow |
Orchids of Belize as Seen in their Natural Growing
Habitat |
Feb. 2005 |
Don DeLano |
Alien Invaders! Dealing With Orchid Pests and
Problems |
Jan. 2005 |
Dr. Ron Harlan |
Using Reverse Osmosis Water Purification to Maximize
Success with Orchids |
Nov. 2004 |
David Banks |
The World of Bulbophyllum Species
Oct. 2004 |
Allison Mia Starcher |
Alternatives to Pesticides: Introducing "Good Bugs"
That Eat "Bad Bugs" But Not Your Plants! |
Sep. 2004 |
Jim Rowley |
Semi-Hydroponics™ and You |
Jul. 2004 |
Peter Croezen |
Conservation Efforts in Peru & How To Deflask
Orchids |
May 2004 |
Hendrick van der Hoven |
Scenes from the African Bush: Some of the Beauties
and the Beasts |
Apr. 2004 |
Harold Koopowitz |
Chasing Phragmipediums in South America |
Mar. 2004 |
Doug Conkin |
Recognizing Better Orchids |
Feb. 2004 |
Jose "Pepe" Portilla |
Ecuadorian Orchids In Situ |
Jan. 2004 |
Helmut Rohrl |
Warm Growing Onicidiinae |
Nov. 2003 |
Dr. Joseph Arditti |
Survival! How and Why Orchids Survive in Nature. |
Oct. 2003 |
Paul Gripp |
Outdoor Temperature-Tolerant Orchid Varieties for
Southern California |
Sep. 2003 |
Helen Congleton |
Parvisepalums - Slipper Orchids from China and
Vietnam |
Jul. 2003 |
Andrea Niessen |
Columbian Orchids |
May 2003 |
Bob Gordon |
Phalaenopsis Culture |
Apr. 2003 |
George Hatfield |
Pendulous Cymbidiums |
Mar. 2003 |
Larry Moskovitz |
Dendrobiums of New Guinea |
Feb. 2003 |
Bill Bergstrom |
Weird and Wonderful Species: Stanhopeas, Coryanthes,
Gongoras, Bulbophyllums and Catasetinaes |
Jan. 2003 |
Matt Swift |
Tolumnias, the Jewels of the Caribbean |
Nov. 2002 |
Marilyn Levy |
The Eclectic Grower |
Oct. 2002 |
Concepcion Ballado de Boyd
Where Do Mexican Species Grow? |
Sep. 2002 |
Doug Conkin |
Catasetums and Maxillarias |
Jul. 2002 |
Ned Nash |
Modern Rhyncostylis Hybrids |
May 2002 |
Roy Tokunaga |
Hybridizing with Sc Beauford and
How Tetraploids Have Revolutionized Mini-catt
Hybrids |
Apr. 2002 |
George Vasquez |
New Trends in Phalaenopsis Breeding |
Mar. 2002 |
Harold Koopowitz |
Chasing Wild Phrags in Ecuador |
Feb. 2002 |
Dan Dickey |
The Science and Art of Orchid Repotting |
Jan. 2002 |
Dr. Alfred Lau |
Orchids of Mexico and Central America |
Nov. 2001 |
Caroline Howse |
Orchids in the Home |
Oct. 2001 |
Mark Zierten |
What Your Orchids are Trying to Tell You |
Sep. 2001 |
Catherine Lee |
Examples of Cultural Excellence |
Jul. 2001 |
Pamela Koide |
Reforestation in the Golden Triangle |
May 2001 |
David Banks |
Tropical Orchids of Southeast Asia |
Apr. 2001 |
Peter Baxter |
An Overview of the Genus Cattleya in Brazil |
Mar. 2001 |
Paul Neumann (written by Ned Nash) |
Unusual Orchids That You Can See With the Naked Eye |
Feb. 2001 |
Norito Hasegawa |
What's New in Paphs? |
Jan. 2001 |
Nov. 2000 |
Oct. 2000 |
Sep. 2000 |
Jul. 2000 |
May 2000 |
Yves Aubry |
Orchids of Malasia |
Apr. 2000 |
Karen Muir |
Orchid Judging in Japan |
Mar. 2000 |
Howard Liebman |
Growing Orchids in Los Angeles |
Jan. 2000 |
Ramona Wilson |
Cattleya Walkeriana |
Nov. 1999 |
Oct. 1999 |
Sep. 1999 |
Jul. 1999 |
May 1999 |
Apr. 1999 |
Mar. 1999 |
Jan. 1999 |
Nov. 1998 |
Oct. 1998 |
Sep. 1998 |
Jul. 1998 |
May 1998 |
Apr. 1998 |
Mar. 1998 |
Jan. 1998 |
Nov. 1997 |
Oct. 1997 |
Sep. 1997 |
Jul. 1997 |
May 1997 |
Apr. 1997 |
Mar. 1997 |
Jan. 1997 |
Nov. 1996 |
Bob Gordon |
Phalaenopsis |
Oct. 1996 |
Red Marsh |
Species Cattleyas |
Sep. 1996 |
Jimi Fox |
Food for Thought |
Jul. 1996 |
May 1996 |
Don Herman |
Highlights from the Top Orchid Shows of the Orient |
Apr. 1996 |
Charles Weckerle-Thrun |
New Lines in Miniature Cymbidium Breeding |
Mar. 1996 |
Red Marsh |
Cattleya Species |
Jan. 1996 |
Howard Liebman |
Spectacular Cyrtochiliums |
Feb. 1995 |
Doug Conkin |
Blooming Orchids for the Holidays |
Nov. 1995 |
Ludwig Swart |
Warm-Growing African Species |
Oct. 1995 |
Fred Hillerman |
Culture and Enjoyment of the Angraecoids |
Sep. 1995 |
Paul Gripp |
Where Orchids Grow |
Jul. 1995 |
Norman Fang |
Oncidium Alliance Intergeneric Hybrids |
May 1995 |
Walter Teague |
Orchids in the Wild |
Apr. 1995 |
Fred Paget |
Catasetums: Everthing You Ever Wanted to Know |
Mar. 1995 |
Harold Koopowitz |
Orchids of Central and Southern Africa |
Jan. 1995 |
Roland Nakayama |
The Search for Color in the Land of Silver and
Green: My Three Week Trip to Ecuador |
Nov. 1994 |
Mark Webb |
Saranthina Orchids |
Oct. 1994 |
Shirley Tam |
Chinese Cymbidium Species |
Sep. 1994 |
Ginny Worthington |
Oncidium excavatum |
Jul. 1994 |
(Special Meeting) |
Orchid Judging Seminar |
May 1994 |
Paul Bechtel |
Slide Presentation |
Apr. 1994 |
Lucille Razkoff |
Brazilian Orchid Species |
Mar. 1994 |
Jan. 1994 |
Richard Turner |
Australian Orchid Species |
Feb. 1993 |
Jerry Rehfield |
Oncidium and Miltonia |
Nov. 1993 |
Rebecca Northen |
Unusual Orchid Species |
Oct. 1993 |
Joyce Stewart |
South African Orchid Species |
Sep. 1993 |
Ramona Wilson |
Miniature and Compact Cattleya Hybridazation |
Jul. 1993 |
George Vasquez |
The Japan Orchid Show and the Glasgow World Orchid
Congress |
May 1993 |
Norito Hasegawa |
The Influence of Paphiopedilum Species on Their
Hybrids |
Apr. 1993 |
Everett Stockstill |
Best Cymbidiums of 1992 |
Mar. 1993 |
Harry Chittick |
An 'Inside' Journey to the Rain Forests of Central
America |
Jan. 1993 |
Red Marsh |
Orchids of Borneo and Sumatra |
Nov. 1992 |
Oct. 1992 |
Sep. 1992 |
Jul. 1992 |
May 1992 |
Apr. 1992 |
Mar. 1992 |
Jan. 1992 |
Nov. 1991 |
Oct. 1991 |
Sep. 1991 |
Jul. 1991 |
May 1991 |
Apr. 1991 |
Jim Rassmann |
Masdevallias of the San Francisco Conservatory -The
Flower Photography of Jeff Zanetto |
Mar. 1991 |
Jan. 1991 |