orchids we grow

Southern California orchid growers are blessed with (mostly) moderate temperatures throughout the year, allowing many orchids to be grown outdoors. In fact, fully 40% of OSSC members don't have a greenhouse! The photos on these pages are all examples of plants that have been grown in Southern California, both in and out of greenhouses, and come from the OSSC flickr group, which is open to all Southern California orchid enthusiasts. By default, the  "most interesting" photos are presented first. (Note: the degree of "interestingness" is determined by flickr's proprietary methodology.)

There are 1348  photos in the OSSC flickr group.
Results Per Page: 24   48   96  
Sorted by: interestingness, date uploaded
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Ascocentrum curvifolium   
by orchid dude

Vanda Pachara Delight 'Isabella'   
by orchid dude

Phal Sogo Lawrence 'F1982'   
by orchid dude

Potinara Rubescense 'Suo' x Potinara Elaine Taylor   
by DonCrain

Vanda Pachara Delight   
by DonCrain

Cymbidium Kirby Lesh 'Alpha' x Cymbidium Red Prophet 'Promenade'   
by DonCrain

Phalaenopsis Malibu Madonna 'Tokyo'   
by DonCrain

Cattleya Orchidglade x Potinara Martha Clarke   
by DonCrain

Cymbidium Shell Pearl 'Parnasse'   
by DonCrain

Laeliocattleya Trick or Treat   
by DonCrain

Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian   
by DonCrain

Doritaenopsis Yu Pin Lady   
by DonCrain

Phalaenopsis KV Charmer   
by DonCrain

Paphiopedilum villosum   
by DonCrain

Barkeria cyclotella x Bardendrum Terusan 'Pink Beauty'   
by DonCrain

Cattleya Hawaiian Wedding Song 'Virgin'   
by DonCrain

Cattleya Claesiana   
by DonCrain

Cymbidium Doris Dawson 'Scotch Mist'   
by DonCrain

Potinara Free Spirit   
by DonCrain

Paphiopedilum Denehurst x Paph. Claro Javier   
by DonCrain

Cattleya Love Knot   
by DonCrain

Potinara Burana Angel x Potinara Martha Clarke   
by DonCrain

Bulbophyllum auratum 'Other World'   
by orchid dude

Stenosarcos Vanguard 'Fireball'   
by orchid dude
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Cattleya unknown Cym. Accent x Pinata Hotlips Den. unknown Amazon Associates Promo
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